
Acupuncture is a 5,000-year-old traditional health system.

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Acupuncture has helped billions of people over the past 5,000 years by relieving symptoms and uncovering the underlying root cause(s) of many health problems.

The ultimate goal of acupuncture, like chiropractic, is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. It can also strengthen and support the body to prevent future illness and disease. Acupuncture has gained wide recognition and acceptance among people who seek safe and natural care. The Archives of Internal Medicine reported that a large number of physicians are referring to or practicing some form of complementary and/or alternative medicine- acupuncture and chiropractic having the highest rate of referral. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:2303-2310

How Does it Work?

Acupuncture accomplishes this goal by balancing the energy or Qi (pronounced "chee") of the patient. According to acupuncture theory, Qi flows through pathways in our bodies called meridians or channels. These meridians act as pipes that maintain balance and health throughout our body’s skin, muscles, and organs. Just like the pipes in your home that supply heat and water, if your meridians become clogged, problems arise. 

Injuries, emotions, disease, stress, poor lifestyle choices, nutritional deficiencies, and chiropractic subluxations are just some of the many things that can disrupt your body’s circulation of Qi.

An acupuncturist can influence health and sickness by stimulating certain areas or acupoints along your body’s meridians. Traditionally acupoints are stimulated with tiny, slender disposable needles. Other forms of stimulation also exist for those who do not prefer needles or where needle stimulation is not indicated. These include but are not limited to, electrical, laser, acupressure, and cupping.




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